
Showing posts from January, 2021

The plan to build a fence around a US congress building was controversial

  The plan to build a fence around a US congress building was controversial news Malinda Zaldivar 31 Jan 2021 (100) The proposal to build a permanent fence around parliament building is becoming a topic of controversy in both American public and political arena. The call to build a fence to protect the parliament building was made by police chief of the US police force Yogananda Pittman after the Capitol Hill riots on January 6. Security barriers were erected around the US congressional building in Washington on January 14 Photo: ...

Daily Scorpio Horoscope January 27 (27/01)

Scorpio Oct 23 − Now 21 Alias: Alias: The Scorpion January 27 (27/01) daily scorpio horoscope: summary scorpio daily Star 9/10 Some people who keep old sofas or armchairs accept they might not be the most comfortable furniture in the world but they get kept because warmth of familiarity can be just as comfortable as anything else. Consider an area of your world youre drawing comfort from and why. Is it more habitual than anything else? Might it be time to consider what comfort could come from a new approach? Its a case of out with the old and in with the new now. Welcome and embrace it. Read more... summary scorpio tomorrow Star 7/10 What if there were no hypothetical situations? What if there were no rhetorical questions? There are two of countless questions that cannot be answe...

The meanings of the flags in Biden's inauguration

  The meanings of the flags in Biden's inauguration news Rick Omeasoo 19 Jan 2021 (71) The inauguration of US President-elect Joe Biden will have the appearance of 5 flags, representing American history and the new president. The Presidential Inauguration Committee last week announced the theme of Biden's January 20 inauguration as "United States", demonstrating the President-elect's pledge to heal the country. The flags that will appear during Biden's inauguration, from left to right include: the Betsy Ross flag,...

Daily Aquarius Horoscope January 17 (17/01)

Aquarius Jan 20 − Feb 18 Alias: Alias: The Water Bearer January 17 (17/01) daily aquarius horoscope: summary aquarius daily Star 9/10 Some people take obvious and perverse pleasure in telling us our dreams are daft and unattainable. Such people tend to have a generally negative outlook on life anyway, so it goes to follow that they cant be seen to be positive, motivating or inspiring in our eyes. We have a choice about whether or not we choose to believe or accept the negative prognosis offered by an unhelpful individual. Do what you can to ignore such a person now. Read more... summary aquarius tomorrow Star 8/10 Youre right to expect a process of change to require time to unfold properly but theres much you can do in the meantime. You might see a time in the distance when youll...